
The 12th - 13th Century World

The 12th to 13th Centuries is often described as the High Middle Ages. It saw the era of the Crusades, The Baron's Wars in England and the Welsh Wars of Edward 1st.

But this era saw many other changes and conflicts from the rise of Islam to increasing urbanisation across Europe and economic growth from an increasing trade along the Silk Road and by sea from the sub-Continent.

This period is also referred to as the 'Age of Maille'. While lower class warriors relied on a gambeson, helmet and shield for protection, Maille became more common and widespread so more warriors used it. Most professional warriors would have had access to a haubergeon while the knightly class wore full maille body armour that was so well tailored that it fitted the body like a glove and provided great freedom of movement.

At the same time, better metal working techniques allowed for small steel plates to be forged into simple plate armour protection for the joints along with helmets that provided protection for the entire head and neck. At the end of the 13th century, we begin to see the first Coats-of-Plates.

This page is a temporary page for grouping all of our pre-14th century items of armour together. It will be spit into four new pages during the early part of 2025 covering:

  • Ancient and Roman World

  • Dark Ages

  • Vikings and Saxons

  • 12th - 13th Centuries