But this era saw many other changes and conflicts from the rise of Islam to increasing urbanisation across Europe and economic growth from an increasing trade along the Silk Road and by sea from the sub-Continent.
This period is also referred to as the 'Age of Maille'. While lower class warriors relied on a gambeson, helmet and shield for protection, Maille became more common and widespread so more warriors used it. Most professional warriors would have had access to a haubergeon while the knightly class wore full maille body armour that was so well tailored that it fitted the body like a glove and provided great freedom of movement.
At the same time, better metal working techniques allowed for small steel plates to be forged into simple plate armour protection for the joints along with helmets that provided protection for the entire head and neck. At the end of the 13th century, we begin to see the first Coats-of-Plates.
Padded Mittens with Maille
The hauberk is a maille shirt extending to the knees with sleeves extending either to the elbow or to the wrist.
This gambeson is suitable for any portrayal from the early 12th century though to the ealry 14th century.
12th - 14th Century Maille Chausses (Leggings).
The coif is a maille hood that covers the entire head (apart from the face) as well as the top of the back, shoulders and chest.
11th - 13th Century Norman Style Helmet - This iconic early medeival helmet was used from late Viking period and Medieval period up to the 13th Century.
This Olmutz Nasal Helm is a reconstruction of the well-known 11th century Czech Olmutz Nasal Helm (also called Moravian nasal helmet).
Bazubands first appeared in Asia Minor to protect the lower arm from Elbow to Wrist. They proved to be very functional and practical so were also adopted by warriors throughout Europe and the near East.
This is a study transitional helmet which has a face plate added to the earlier open faced Norman style helmets and their derivatives. This style of helmet first appeared in the 12th century and later evolved into the great helm that covered the entire head and neck.
12th Century Norman Helmet with iron face plate. Use of this helmet persisted into the 13th century.
This brigandine takes inspiration from a remarkable Sleeping Guard statue dating back to 1270, currently residing in the Provinzial Museum, Hanover, Germany.
Full cuff maille gauntlets with 6mm riveted maille. These are historically inspired and provide great mobility and protection.
A pair of sturdy leather vambaces to protect the forearm.
Arming Girdle (Lendenier) for securing your maille chausses or plate leg armour.
13th Century - early 14th Century plate elbow armour (couter) .
13th Century/ early 14th century plate knee armour (polyn) .
These late 13th - 14th Century greaves cover the front part of the lower legs.
A pair of 13th to early 14 century steel rondels to re-enforce maille armour on the shoulders.
These simple steel spaulders are the earliest type of medieval plate pieces for shoulder protection that we know about.
Classic 13th - 15th Century Kettle Helmet in a style that was depicted in the Maciejowski Bible c1250 and remained in commmon use well into the 16th cenutry virtually unchanged.
Iconic 13th Century pot helm with brass trim. Straight out of the Maciejowski Bible, this helmet is popular with both mounted and foot re-enactors because of its great visibility and protection.
The haubergeon is a maille shirt extending to the mid thigh with sleeves extending either to the elbow or to the wrist.
The haubergeon is a maille shirt extending to the mid thigh with sleeves extending either to the elbow or to the wrist.
For Live Action Role Playing you do not need iron maille and because you are moving from location to location, having a light kit is important. Aluminium mail is light and easy to maintain.
Simple 1-piece steel vambraces for the lower arms
Generic Dark Ages/Medieval padded cap to wear under a helmet.
Medieval full length padded chausses for the legs.
This padded collar provides additional or standalone protection around the base of the neck and top of the shoulders..
This item combines the padded collar and arming cap into a single garment.
This is a generic pair of padded greaves to protect the shins and lower leg. Practical for all periods, infantry and cavalry
Early medieval padded mittens for LARP combat or light steel weapons training and combat
Although our Titanium Maille armours are inspired by the visionary works of Tolkien, this ultra-light armour is redefined for the modern age, making it the perfect choice for elite competition fighters, including those in Behourt Tournaments and jousting events.