
The 14th Century World

The 14th Century was the first half of the Late Medieval Period. It saw the Scottish Wars of Independence and the start of the 100 Years War between France and England among many other conflicts.

The 14th Century also saw the greatest evolution in armour and weapons until modern times. At the start of the century full-maille with some simple small pieces of plate armour was the norm. By the end of the century most of the maille had been replaced by well fitted and well crafted plate armour that covered all of the body. Because of the great changes in armour over this period, it is often referred to as the "Age of Transitional Armour".

This period provides you with the most variery and choices in the harness that you decide to assemble.

There was also great social upheaval and change brought on by the plague which resulted in the breakdown of the feudal period and the rise of the working class.


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