This era is also known as the "Age of Plate Armour" as the art of making plate armour reached its peak and plate armour not only became more widespread, it also became works of art. There were several distintive styles of armour during this period - Gothic, Italian, etc.
Most knights and professional soldiers would have worn suits of full pate harness while men-at arms would have worn a simple breastplate or haubergeon with plate armour covering at least part of the limbs.
Weapons became more specialised in order to defeat plate armour.
Social change saw the final demise of the feudal system and the rise of the porfessional solider and standing armies.
The aventail is a curtain of maille that is attached around the base of a helmet to protect the neck and shoulders.
These late medieval demi-cuisse and demi-greaves joined by a winged poleyn are seen in tapestries and manuscripts of the time and were commonly used by archers and light infantry who needed mobility but protection for the vital knee area.
14th -16th century leather brigandine gorget.
14th - 15th Century plate elbow armour (couter). These examples have small wings that protect the inside of the elbow from attack.
A pair of steel pauldrons with scale upper arm protection.
A pair of plate sabatons to protect the feet. Sabotons first appeared in the late 14th century and provided protection for the foot and ankle.
Generic Late 14th / Early 15th Century Lower Arms. These include integral rerebrace, winged couter and lower arm canons.
Late 14th Century to early 15th Century Italian Style Upper Leg Harness - consisitng of integral Plate Cuisses, winged Poleyns and Demi-Greaves.
These are a full cuff version of our best selling range of 14th Century Hourglass Gauntlets. They are based on a surviving pair of Italian guantlets from 1370 - 1400 AD.
These gauntlets are based on a surviving pair of Italian guantlets from 1370 - 1400 AD. They come in a blackened finish with ornate brass fittings.
French style 14th century leg armour. They are copied from an existing pair belonging to the young Charles VI of France and are dated circa 1380-90.
These are our best sellers in our popular range of 14th Century Hourglass Gauntlets.
These gauntlets are based on a surviving pair of Italian guantlets from 1370 - 1400 AD. They come in a polished finish with ornate brass fittings.
Late 14th Century spaulders for protecting the shoulders and upper parts of the arms. Ideal for a Knight's harness for the second half of the 14th century.
Late 14th century spaulders with rondels or besaques.
15th Century Gothic style Gorget with roped design edges and articulated neck plates.
The standard is a maille collar that covers the base of the neck and top of the torso. It protects the gap between the base of the helmet and the top of the brest plate and back plate.
Voiders are pieces of maille that were sewn onto the arming doublet or arming coat to protect the underside of the upper arms and armpit area as areas cannot be fully covered by plate armour.
A sturdy and generic 15th Century Breast Plate in 1.6mm steel. The breast plate is made from three peices of mild steel which overlap in various places such as the lower torso to provide double the protection.
This is a very nicely made 15th century Clamshell style gauntlet with leather glove. Ideal for heavy combat with spears and double handed weapons where hand protection is a priority!
This is another superb late 15th Century Steel Gorget with Bevor and Falling Buff. The "Falling Buff" is an affitional top plate in the bevor that allows it to be dropped in an open position to allow more air around the face or closed during battle for affitional protection. It can be worn with our Sallets or 15th century Kettle Hats and is a natural complement to these helmets.
This mid 15th century style Gothic cuirass consists of both a breastplate and backplate with a single tonlet on both plates to allow the wear to bend more easily.
A superb pair of late 15th centiry Gothic Gauntlets in 1.6mm steel. Suitable for most forms of re-enactment combat.
This 15th century swt consists of 5 pieces - a Gothic Gorget, a pair of Assymetrical Pauldrons that cover the shoulders and upper arms and a pair of Lower arms.
Early 15th Century Gothic Pauldrons in 1.6mm Mild Steel.
These Gothic Style 15th century pauldrons cover the entire shoulders with flexible lames that extend down to protect the upper arms. A rondel to protect the armpits completes this item of harness.
Mid to Late 15th Century Gothic Style Upper Leg Harness - with integral Plate Cuisses, Winged Poleyns and Demi-Greaves.
Late 15th Century Gothic Style upper leg harness consisting of integrated cuisses, winged poleyns and demi-greaves.
15th Century Kettle Hat with Vision Slits and Antique Finish.
This high quality armour is a fully functional replica of the Leeds Brigandine dated 1470. It is suitable for most forms of medieval combat with 150 overlapping steel plates designed to spread the shock of impact across a wide area.
This is a very nicely made 15th century Milanese 'mitten' style gauntlet with leather glove. Ideal for heavy combat with spears and double handed weapons where hand protection is a priority!
This is a superb late 15th Century Steel Gorget with Bevor and "Falling Buff". It can be worn with our Sallets or 15th century Kettle Hats and is a natural complement to these helmets.
Late 14th Century Cuirass (front and back plates) with Tonlets.
This is a generic pair of padded greaves to protect the shins and lower leg. Practical for all periods, infantry and cavalry