This period saw the colonisation of the Americas, the Englsh Civil War and many other conflicts across the world as Empires developed and jostled for dominance. But it also saw the beginnings of our modern age.
There is a huge amount of choice in what you portray in this period. But in general the use of maille and plate armour declined as firearms became more efffective. Although Plate Armour had a final day in the sun in the early 16th century with the rise of the Maxillian style of armour made famous in the jousts of Henry the VIII.
However some plate armour remained to cover the most vulnerable parts of the body, especailly thickened to defeat the bullets of the time.
These joined sleeves make perfect protection for your arms when you want to wear maille sleeves without actually overburdening you with a full maille shirt under your cuirass.
The Maille Skirt protects the torso and upper legs. This area is vulnerable as it is difficult to protect with solid armour as this would impede mobility.
15th Century Gothic style Gorget with roped design edges and articulated neck plates.
The standard is a maille collar that covers the base of the neck and top of the torso. It protects the gap between the base of the helmet and the top of the brest plate and back plate.
Voiders are pieces of maille that were sewn onto the arming doublet or arming coat to protect the underside of the upper arms and armpit area as areas cannot be fully covered by plate armour.
The morion was a type of open helmet used from the middle 16th and early 17th centuries, usually having a flat brim and a crest from front to back. It was an iconic helmet most remembered for its use in the exploration/conquest of the Americas.
Solid Spanish style plate gorget with standing collar which was used during the 16th century.
The haubergeon is a maille shirt extending to the mid thigh with sleeves extending either to the elbow or to the wrist.
The haubergeon is a maille shirt extending to the mid thigh with sleeves extending either to the elbow or to the wrist.
For Live Action Role Playing you do not need iron maille and because you are moving from location to location, having a light kit is important. Aluminium mail is light and easy to maintain.
Generic Dark Ages/Medieval padded cap to wear under a helmet.
This padded collar provides additional or standalone protection around the base of the neck and top of the shoulders..
This item combines the padded collar and arming cap into a single garment.
Although our Titanium Maille armours are inspired by the visionary works of Tolkien, this ultra-light armour is redefined for the modern age, making it the perfect choice for elite competition fighters, including those in Behourt Tournaments and jousting events.