
The 16th - 17th Century World

The 16th - 17th centuries saw the end of the Period of the European Renaissance which started in the 14th Century. It saw the widespread adoption of firearms and the decline in the use of armour.

This period saw the colonisation of the Americas, the Englsh Civil War and many other conflicts across the world as Empires developed and jostled for dominance. But it also saw the beginnings of our modern age.

There is a huge amount of choice in what you portray in this period. But in general the use of maille and plate armour declined as firearms became more efffective. Although Plate Armour had a final day in the sun in the early 16th century with the rise of the Maxillian style of armour made famous in the jousts of Henry the VIII.

However some plate armour remained to cover the most vulnerable parts of the body, especailly thickened to defeat the bullets of the time.