Overr this period you can portray a Romano-Britain, Migration-Period Warrior, a Viking or a Saxon among many others
Lower class warriors wore very little armour, if at all and were typically armed with a sheld, spear and dagger of some sort. Those who were lucky wore a light helmet on the head.
As you move up the social ladder, padded jackets, lamillar body armour and maille shirts (haubergeons) were worn. Weapons were mostly spears and axes although elite warriors carried swords.
At the end of this period we saw the beginning of the Norman Age and the start of the early Medieval Period. We begin to see the emergance of the knightly class who wore maille hauberks as their primary means of protection.
Although our Titanium Maille armours are inspired by the visionary works of Tolkien, this ultra-light armour is redefined for the modern age, making it the perfect choice for elite competition fighters, including those in Behourt Tournaments and jousting events.
10th Century Saint Wenceslaus Nasal Helmet with Leather Liner.
10th century Viking Varangian Rus Slav Gnezdovo helmet with Butted Maille Camail.
Fully functional Viking split greaves made from 1.6mm mild steel.
Rus/Viking Lamillar shoulder armour (pair) made from 7 cm mild steel plates in 16 guage steel and 7 cm. 33 cm by 16 cm.
9th - 11th Century Eastern Europen Lamellar Body and Shoulder armour made from overalapping steel plates that have been painstakingly laced together with leather thongs.
The haubergeon is a maille shirt extending to the mid thigh with sleeves extending either to the elbow or to the wrist.
This Olmutz Nasal Helm is a reconstruction of the well-known 11th century Czech Olmutz Nasal Helm (also called Moravian nasal helmet).
Medieval full length padded chausses for the legs.
Valsgärde Viking Splinted Bracers
This is a helmet from the Vendel period (650 AD to 800 AD) and was common in Scandinavia and on the British islands. This helmet comes with a butted spring steel camail to protect the lower head and neck.
Early medieval padded mittens for LARP combat or light steel weapons training and combat
8th to 11th century generic Viking elite warrior or Chieftains helmet with butted spring steel maille camail. Available in polished or blackened finishes.
8th - 10th Century Viking Vendal helmet with integral padded liner.
The hauberk is a maille shirt extending to the knees with sleeves extending either to the elbow or to the wrist.
This is a generic pair of padded greaves to protect the shins and lower leg. Practical for all periods, infantry and cavalry
8th - 11th Centiry Dark Ages and Viking gambeson.
Generic Dark Ages/Medieval padded cap to wear under a helmet.
11th - 13th Century Norman Style Helmet - This iconic early medeival helmet was used from late Viking period and Medieval period up to the 13th Century.
For Live Action Role Playing you do not need iron maille and because you are moving from location to location, having a light kit is important. Aluminium mail is light and easy to maintain.
This item combines the padded collar and arming cap into a single garment.
This padded collar provides additional or standalone protection around the base of the neck and top of the shoulders..