It has been used since antiquity right into modern times by most cultures but it is with the European medieval period that is is more widely known. Armourers were so skilled that they could make garments of maille that provided protection for the entire body yet still allow the wearer to move with ease and comfort.
Maille was typically worn over padded garments and the combination of both provided effective protection against most weapons for many centuries.
Our general-purpose Mild Steel maille is made from 17 gauge/9mm internal diameter flat iron rings with either round or wedge rivets to close the ends of the link. We recommend alternating solid link/riveted link maille as this is stronger and more cost effective. But if you want finer maille we can obtain this for you as well. Maille can be finished in a Natural Finish or Blackened Finish. Both are authentic. Alternatively if you aren't too worried about an authentic look then you can have them Zinc Plated for rust-proofing.
While Mild Steel maille is the most authentic (as this was the only metal available for making maille until modern times), we can also get maille made for you in either Aluminium or Titanium. These are only available in the "Flat Ring Round Riveted Style" but are more practical then standard Mild Steel for some uses.
For example maille garments made from Aluminum are much lighter than Mild Steel and easier to wear. However, they are not as robust so cannot withstand metal weapons style combat other than light combat or choreographed fighting.
Titanium maille on the other hand is lighter than Aluminum and stronger than Steel. However, Titanium maille is expensive. But that said, if treated well it will never require maintenance and will basically last for at least your life time.
You can order steel, aluminium or titanium rings and rivets in loose 1 kg packets along with a Riveting Tool if you have the time and want to assemble the maille garments yourself or to allow you to tailor the standard garments for youself or to make repairs to your maille as it will take some battle damage over time (other than Titanium that is!). We can also provide loose Brass rings which you can use to decorate the edges of your garments.
Guide for Use of Maille Types
Aluminium - Live Action Role Playing, Cosplay, Film and Theatre light combat, Historical Renactment - Light Combat Only.
Iron - Most forms of Historical Combat and Battle Re-enactment.
Titanium - All of the above expecially when protection and durability are paramount such as Bohurt and Solid Lance Jousting.
Although our Titanium Maille armours are inspired by the visionary works of Tolkien, this ultra-light armour is redefined for the modern age, making it the perfect choice for elite competition fighters, including those in Behourt Tournaments and jousting events.
For Live Action Role Playing you do not need iron maille and because you are moving from location to location, having a light kit is important. Aluminium mail is light and easy to maintain.
2nd Century Roman Lorica Hamata maille body armour.
The haubergeon is a maille shirt extending to the mid thigh with sleeves extending either to the elbow or to the wrist.
The haubergeon is a maille shirt extending to the mid thigh with sleeves extending either to the elbow or to the wrist.
Padded Mittens with Maille
The hauberk is a maille shirt extending to the knees with sleeves extending either to the elbow or to the wrist.
12th - 14th Century Maille Chausses (Leggings).
The coif is a maille hood that covers the entire head (apart from the face) as well as the top of the back, shoulders and chest.
Full cuff maille gauntlets with 6mm riveted maille. These are historically inspired and provide great mobility and protection.
The aventail is a curtain of maille that is attached around the base of a helmet to protect the neck and shoulders.
These joined sleeves make perfect protection for your arms when you want to wear maille sleeves without actually overburdening you with a full maille shirt under your cuirass.
The Maille Skirt protects the torso and upper legs. This area is vulnerable as it is difficult to protect with solid armour as this would impede mobility.
The standard is a maille collar that covers the base of the neck and top of the torso. It protects the gap between the base of the helmet and the top of the brest plate and back plate.
Voiders are pieces of maille that were sewn onto the arming doublet or arming coat to protect the underside of the upper arms and armpit area as areas cannot be fully covered by plate armour.
Loose Maille links for repairs, tailoring maille garments or assembling your own garments from scratch.
Loose Maille links for repairs, tailoring maille garments or assembling your own garments from scratch.
Riveting Pliers to repair maille, tailor maille garments or to assemble your maille garments from scratch. These come in two varities - one for round headed rivets and one for wedge rivers.