Balearic Roman Greek Sling Handcrafted Braided Jute Cords
Fully functional leather sling.
Leather Frog for your Dagger or Short Sword
Handmade leather LARP/Cosplay right handed frog for axes, maces and swords.
This adjustable leather holder allows you to fit any weapon of your choice. So be it your trusted axe, your mighty blade or your fierce mace, this frog will firmly hold it all for you!
This heavy duty Celtic Iron Age Spearhead is hand-forged from steel and is 42.5 cm long with a socket opening of approximately 28 mm.
Hand forged sharp iron spearheads with natural iron finish. Suitable for spear throwing from foot or horse using throwing spears or javelins. Avialable in 2 sizes - (18 cm and 30 cm). Not Suitable for Combat!
These are generic spear head that is suitable for most re-enactmment periods. It has a rounded bulb on its tip to help spread impact and prevent penetration. Available in 4 sizes - 30 cm, 35 cm, 40 cm and 45 cm
Early medieval mace with iron head. Suitable for Normans, Crusades and Europe uo to about 1300.
The warhammer was a specialist weapon designed to defeat plate armour that starte to come in use from the early 14th century. This particuar warhammer is from the mid/late 15th century.
European Medival Flail with Single Ball.